AIX에서 CPU 정보 보는 법
분류 OS/UNIX 명령어 등록일 2013-07-23 조회수 3155
ohzzam 2004-03-26 94

AIX에서 CPU 정보 보는 법

요 약

AIX 에서는 CPU Clock 을 보는 방법이 불편하기 때문에 아래의 문서를
참조 하기 바랍니다.

내 용

AIX 5.1 에서 CPU 정보 보는 법

lsattr -E -l proc0 | grep "Processor Speed"

AIX 5.1 이하
(16진수를 10진수로 바꿔서 봐야 하기 때문에 첨부파일 참조.)

압축을 푸신 후

Aix 버전에 맞는 디렉토리에 들어가셔서 perfXXX.tar.Z 의 압축을 푸신 후

./lsc 하시면 정보가 나옵니다.

예 제

bash-2.04# ./lsc

Please wait while we determine the processor megahertz rate ...

attribute value description

architecture PowerPC Processor architecture

implementation Pulsar Processor Implementation

version PowerPC_RS64III Processor version

modelname IBM,7025-6F1 Machine name

clock_speed 600.8 CPU clock speed in MHz (approximation)

clock_frequency 601600000 Firmware reported clock frequency

bus_frequency 150400000 Firmware reported system bus frequency

width 64 Processor width (bits)

ncpus 2 Number of CPUs

realmem 4194304 Amount of installed real memory (Kilobytes)

urealmem 4194240 Amount of usable real memory (Kilobytes)

cache_attrib 1 Split instruction and data cache

icache_size 128 L1 instruction cache size (Kilobytes)

icache_asc 2 L1 instruction cache Associativity

icache_block 128 L1 instruction cache block size (bytes)

icache_line 128 L1 instruction cache line size (bytes)

dcache_size 128 L1 data cache size (Kilobytes)

dcache_asc 2 L1 data cache Associativity

dcache_block 128 L1 data cache block size (bytes)

dcache_line 128 L1 data cache line size (bytes)

L2_cache_size 4096 L2 cache size (Kilobytes)

L2_cache_asc 4 L2 cache associativity

tlb_attrib 3 Combined instruction and data TLB

tlb_size 512 TLB size (entries)

tlb_asc 4 TLB associativity

resv_size 128 Size of reservation (bytes)

priv_lck_cnt 0 Spin lock count in supervisor mode

prob_lck_cnt 0 Spin lock count in problem state

rtc_type RTC_POWER_PC RTC type

virt_alias 0 Hardware aliasing not supported

cach_cong 0 Number of page bits for cache synonym

model_arch CHRP Model architecture

model_impl CHRP_SMP_PCI Model implementation

slb_attr hardware mngd SLB software/hardware managed SLB

slb_size 16 size of SLB (entries)

orig_ncpus 2 original number of CPUs

Xint 61035 Used in time base conversion

Xfrac 36716 Used in time base conversion

kernel3264 32-bit kernel kernel bit type

lpar_onoff LPAR disabled LPAR enabled/disabled

UP/MP kernel MP kernel uniprocessor or mp kernel
